A Story of The MET Collection

Connecting Art through Time, Geography and Content.

The story above has been created by linking every item from the MET collection and randomly following a link. These links are between Time (when the artist was born, died or when the piece was created), Geography (where the artist was born, where the art was created or excavated) and Content (the subject of the artwork). If you would like to find out exactly how its done, you can scroll down.

A great story doesnt happen by accident.

While every piece within the MET Museum has an important part in art and history, linking one of the 62,856 pieces together because they both contain men really ins't that interesting.

This is just one example of many decisions of what to include (or exclude) in the story above.

How does it work?

First we have to decide what would make an interesting link. We chose:

Then we Linked it all together.

Partial MET Network

What did we ignore?

Within these categories we chose to ignore some possible links.

Art data isnt perfect

Sometimes there are errors on more commonly, information is missing or unknown about a piece. We therefore also excluded any of the following:

Telling the Story

After everything is linked we now need to follow a path from one item to another.

Example Path Through Network

Decisions, Decisions

Most artworks will be linked to more than one other artwork, so which one to choose?

We could pick a link randomly, but in reality some links are more interesting than others. The other issue with randomly selecting the link is that most links are realted to dates, which can be interesting but we dont want the whole story to be about dates. We created a ranking system by giving each link a score, with some element of randomness to pick the more interestings links where possible.

Zero Score. We want to avoid (where we can) making similar links within the story, so if the same item has been used before, or it was the same kind of link (for expample from place of birth to place of birth), we give it a zero score.

Making sense of the data

Finally we have to make sense of all of these dates, places and tags. We need to turn it from data into a beautiful story.

Each set of links is evaluated for their content and over 20 different connecting sentences are created.

La Grenouillère


was painted in




VoilĂ !

We arrive at the story. A randomly generated story with countless possiblities linking art through time, geography and content.

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